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To help industries to stay at the forefront of innovation by leveraging the power of ecosystems to drive innovation.

StartUp Act Library


Important policy and regulations are housed on various websites and it’s unclear if the documentation is the latest version.

72% of South Africa’s labour force is supported by SME’s making startup growth vital for our economy. The South African system presents many obstacles in the SME sector with one being accessibility to relevant basic knowledge on startup regulations and policies which is currently available on a vast number of websites which requires an immense amount of time to search and find. This is a time that many startup founders do not have.

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To provide a dedicated platform to search and provide the latest links to relevant startup policy and regulatory aspects.

Our team designed and built the platform to house all policy content in a way that was easy to search and categorise according to the main startup types. The focus of this project from a user experience perspective was to enable quick search functionality prioritised on the landing page. As well as easy navigation and filtering of results on the public-facing website. Whilst allowing easy management of content through the CMS to allow contributors to add and update content regularly.

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Let's innovate together

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