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Stellenbosch / Cape Town / Johannesburg / Paris / Tunisia / Luxembourg
Impacted more than 30 million lives, created over 27,000 direct jobs, and leveraged US $771 million in matching funds.
The AECF is a leading African-owned and led development organisation that supports innovative commercial businesses in the agribusiness and renewable energy sectors with the aim of reducing rural poverty, promoting resilient communities and creating jobs.
AECF supported over 375 businesses in 26 countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, impacted more than 30 million lives, created over 27,000 direct jobs, and leveraged US $771 million in matching funds.

Geographical Presence: Africa
Project: eFront Implementation, Custom Funding Portal and Reporting
By consolidating current systems and streamlining manual processes via an end-to-end eFront solution suite, AECF realised significant productivity gains.
With the support of the Methys eFront implementation team, AECF was able to use the platform autonomously within a very short period of time. By consolidating current systems and streamlining manual processes thanks to the sophisticated end-to-end eFront solution suite, AECF is able to operate its business more efficiently and realise significant productivity gains.
eFront Office, Deal flow
eFront Investor
eFront Investment
eFront Debt
eFront Settlement
eFront Workflow
eFront Report Designer
Fully hosted solution
Custom Funding Portal integration